Friday, November 12, 2010

New Art - It's easy to be around you

Doesn't this chair and this space just look comfortable and easy? That's where the idea for the title was derived.

I've been working on this piece off an on for months now. I finally had a chance to devote some time to this and finish it up!

"It's easy to be around you" is another of my Bic pen pieces. All of the black you see, including all of the detail on the chair was done with that classic office staple.  This work measures 8" x 10' and was created on a cradled hardboard. All of the papers were adhered to the hardboard with what could best be described as 2-sided sticker sheets. The sticker sheets allow me to get the paper totally flat on its support. After all of the inking was complete, I added a few little pops of color with a red Prismacolor pencil.

"It's easy to be around you" is now available in my Etsy shop as a print. Look for the original at the upcoming Rockford Handmade Market.

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