Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Sketchbook Project Update

Greetings Friends! So much to tell you so little time! Be on the lookout for a stream of new blog posts.

I have been diligently working in my "Along the Line" themed sketchbook for the 2011 "Sketchbook Project. Here are the first 6 pages.

I've been using the "along the line" theme quite literally. The line started on the inside cover has flown through each drawing.  Each drawing picks up where the line ended on the previous page.  As the paper in this sketchbook is a bit on the thin side,  I've decided to do the majority of the drawing on the right side of each spread.

Anyone else doing a Sketchbook Project sketchbook? I'd love to see it!

Next up on the blog: the big move!



  1. I'm doing along the line too! And we have a similar line running through idea :) you can check mine out: I don't have too many pages done yet ::hangs head in shame::

  2. Love that idea. What medium are you using? Look forward to more.

  3. Thank you friends! Randomrose - I've used a bic pen for all of these drawings.


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